How long are you expecting to limit production because of co-op, processor, or personally instituted milk production restrictions? That was the question posed to our DairyLivestream audience on May 6,...
A very positive trend in dairy cattle research the past few years has been more studies on calves. However, in a Dairy Calf and Heifer Association presentation, University of Guelph’s Michael Steele...
If you’ve been following my blogs or my social media, you know what mental health in agriculture means to me. In fact, two of the most honest and open things I’ve ever put out into the world...
Discussion surrounding adjustments to on-farm milk production are ongoing as demand for dairy products continues to stumble due to the COVID-19 outbreak
For many farmers, 2019 will be remembered as a constant battle: A battle to get crops planted in the field A battle to get crops out of the field And the ongoing battle to restore soil health following...
While the world changes, dairy cattle diets are also evolving for many. Several dairies have considered, or are actively, feeding unpasteurized milk back to the herd to avoid wasting a nutritious product
“We want to minimize our loss, not necessarily by minimizing cost.” That’s the cautionary advice from Cornell University Extension Associate Jason Karszes in response to the COVID-19...
To say we are all trying to find a new normal would be an understatement. With schools closing and classrooms moving to distance learning, the biggest learning curve I think
When trying to formulate an idea for this week’s blog, I honestly couldn’t decide if I needed to stay away from anything to do with COVID-19 or not. Maybe I should have written
Dairy farmers are being financially squeezed by the COVID-19 vice. Just like being wedged in a vice in a farm shop . . . one jaw bearing down on dairy producers involves dumped milk because of lost sales...
In many parts of the country, to say last fall’s harvest season was challenging is a major understatement. Attempts to finish cropping and apply manure through wet soil conditions left many fields...
COVID-19 certainly has disrupted the markets. So much so that in mid-April the USDA announced that they would be partnering with “regional and local distributors, whose workforce has been significantly...
When my mind races from all that is going wrong in our world, I have to slow down my breathing and think of the greatest lessons we will learn from this global pandemic